Happy Holidays
from the IFDA NY Chapter!
With the fall season coming to a quick close and the busy new year ahead, let's look back at some of the ways the IFDA NY Chapter members continue to keep their fingers on the pulse of design in New York City. We recently showed you a sample of industry events our members participated in, and now let's highlight three more where IFDA NY chapter members were in attendance...
photo credit Julie Schuster (above)
1. Traditional Home magazine
paired with the New York Design Center for
"Our Favorite Things"
We are happy to note that former
IFDA NY Rising Stars were a part of this design celebration at 200 Lexington Avenue.
former IFDA Rising Stars Honoree Ron Marvin (left);
former IFDA NY Rising Star honoree
duo design team from Tilton & Fenwick (right)
chose their favorite finds for the crowd!
Lois DelNegro of Global Views and
Nicki Clendening of Scout Design, (another former
Rising Stars Honoree) were in attendance.
2. We also stopped into the annual Art of The Table sponsored by Bilotta Kitchen, Traditional Home and Lenox to check out kitchen displays stylized by four area interior designers utilizing Lenox patterns on the tables.
(above) IFDA members Barbara Haberman, Lisa McMahon and Tamara Stephenson spent time in Tamara's kitchen where she showed DKNY's everyday patterns for Lenox. 
Tamara's "Fall Bounty" table & kitchen.
Interior designers who participated in this year's Art of The Table include Robert Passal, James Rixner,
David Scott & Tamara Stephenson.
3. We kicked off the fall season with an important evening generously hosted by Axor Showroom to thank those involved in last spring's charity event, Take A Seat. Craftily called Take A Bow the evening was a celebration where we also presented a check to Habitat for Humanity NY. These were proceeds raised during last spring's chair charity auction hosted at Room and Board showroom with media sponsor NYC&G magazine. We also Skyped with other chapters around the nation as they prepared to host their own Take A Seat auction. Additionally, during Take A Bow we raised more funds for Habitat NYC with a lively Chinese auction.
Later in the fall, we planned and celebrated a well attended and successful Rising Stars event where we honored talents in the industry, and generously hosted at the Kravet showroom in the D&D building. This evening is worthy of it's very own story, so please stop back for a recap soon.
this photo captures a fun moment on Instragram during our
IFDA NY Rising Stars celebration at our Step and Repeat! We are happy to announce that we have our IFDA NY Instagram up and running, so please check us out on Instragram to keep up with where we are next.
We wish you a
healthy & happy holiday season!
Lovely!! I really enjoyed reading your article and its very interesting. I am also wondering a location for my business events in New York. Actually I want to hire a space on lease. So can you suggest me?